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Some people are so misinformed that I am embarrassed for them. There is always a deeper meaning that you should seek; we are so quick to take words and run with them. We often cut ourselves short as humans for not using our brains as much as we are capable of. 





It seems that teenagers think that their parents are trying to ruin their lives, but they’re only trying to protect them. Instead of reacting in a negative way, listen. You elders have a God-given authority in your life. If you believe that something is negative then take time to ponder what has been said to you; and if it is for your well-being. Every voice has a meaning and every action has a purpose


The World is Confused 


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What ever happened to people getting married before having children? What about not even letting a man and woman be alone in a room, let alone share a house together? Class and morals are gradually fading away. Women– don’t be so easy and show yourself some respect; you have worth beyond compare. Men– stop the games, be real, and grow up. 
